QUI SIAMO SEPOLTI PER SEMPRE / LA BALLATA DEL MILITE IGNOTO I Gufi, 1968, di Lino Patruno - Walter Valdi I Gufi sono una leggenda del cabaret milanese https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IELrgXUwmBA Questa meravigliosa poesia rende omaggio al milite ignoto. Soldati che sono morti in tutte le guerre, combattendo una guerra che non avevano chiesto. Non importa se fossero i nemici o le vittime. Sono solo cenere, sono morti per guerre troppo spesso inutili. Oggi il mondo vede la guerra in Ucraina, iniziata dalla Federazione Russa. Il mondo è testimone delle orribili atrocità e crimini commessi dalle forze armate russe. Il mondo è testimone della guerra nello Yemen, dei genocidi in Africa e in Asia. I loro leader non hanno mai ascoltato questa poesia. È giunto il momento che lo facciano. TESTO DI LUIGI LUNARI Qui siamo sepolti per sempre; e per noi il mondo si è fermato quel giorno; qualcuno ci ha pianto, qualcuno ogni tanto ci ricorda ancora. Ma a pochi passi da qui, a pochi passi ...
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HERE WE ARE BURIED FOREVER - THE BALLAD OF THE UNKNOWN SOLDER I Gufi, 1968, by Lino Patruno - Walter Valdi I Gufi are a legend of Milanese cabaret https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IELrgXUwmBA This wonderful poem plays a tribute to the unknown solder. Solders who died in all wars, fighting a war they did not ask for. It does not matter whether they were the enemies or the victims. They are just ashes, they died for wars too often unnecessary. Today, the world faces the war in Ukraine, initiated by the Russian Federation. The world witnesses the horrifying atrocities and the crimes committed the Russian armed forces. The world witnesses the war in Yemen, genocides in Africa and in Asia. Their leaders never listened to this poem. It’s high time they do. TEXT BY LUIGI LUNARI Here we are buried forever; and for us, the world stopped that day; somebody mourned us, somebody still remembers us from time to time. However, a few steps from here, a few steps from where the others say ‟...
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CRYPTO FRAUD TRANSPOSITION FROM “LILY THE PINK”, THE SCAFFOLD, 1968 © PAOLO BOLZONI, 3 February 2023 Oh crypto, crypto, crypto The currency fraud, fraud, fraud Get rid of it, sell it to fools It’s not legal tender, there are no rules It’s just a currency of doom Do you speculate in cryptocurrencies? Did you win, or did you lose? Do you sleep, or are you bruised? Please watch. CRYPTO FRAUD
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GAVDIVM PHILOSOPHIAE - The joy of philosophy ESNE CVPIDVS COGNITIONIS? - Are you eager for knowledge? Then, philosophy is for you! Philosophy (from Greek: φιλοσοφία - φιλεῖν “to love”, and σοφία “knowledge”) is the love of wisdom. Don’t be put off. Philosophy is about the systematised study of general and fundamental questions, such as those on existence, the meaning of life, reason, knowledge, values, religion, logic, politics, economics, science and maths, sociology and language. Philosophy is about life, about you. How often have you reflected on these fundamental issues? How often have you a clear stand, but you find it difficult to express it in words? The philosophers are not really different from you, it’s what they did for thousands of years, in all civilisations. Only, they have documented their thoughts (mostly) in writing. Just a few examples: monumental treaties (Aristotle, Avicenna, Kant, Hegel), dialogues (Plato, Galileo), dictionaries (Voltaire), letters and diaries (Aug...
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THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO PAOLO © Paolo Bolzoni, 10 January 2023 I was once sitting on top of a hill next to Jesus. He was telling the parable of the chap in Downing 10 who spends his time misleading Britain. I told Jesus: “Forgive him Lord, for he is just a Conservative, he does not realise what he does and says”. Jesus turned to me and said: “You just pulled words out of my mouth. Let’s have a pint, mate”. In the pub, everyone looked and pointed at me (of course nobody knew Jesus, he was not a resident in the pub), but nobody dared to look at and speak to me. I told Jesus: “See old boy, they are Rishi’s Cabinet puppets, they just turn a blind eye and keep their mouth shut”. Amen
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LONG LIVE CHRISTMAS, © I GUFI, 1966 I Gufi are a legend of Italian cabaret. I wish you all the joys of the season. May the festivities be a celebration of joy and love, and may they bring hope for a better 2023. Please read the lyrics. Don’t waste your money with useless presents, consider helping those who need it. And, give your dears the most beautiful and valuable of all presents, your love! ***** To my dad two ties, even one was enough to sync He didn't even wear the one I gave him last year To my mum, special long gloves in black silk Yes, but I'd have to convince her to go out and cheer Long live Christmas We love each other New Year’s coming soon Happy New Year Then the Epiphany will come Takes all holidays away Then the Epiphany will come Takes all holidays away For you a sporty scarf with a perfume and two LP’s OMG, what a blunder, you don't have a record player You gave me a black coat, it has a long tail I can't even change it, it was a winter sale Long live...
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FOUR-MINUTES LONG STANDING OVATION FOR PRESIDENT SERGIO MATTARELLA. Yesterday, 7 December 2022, Maestro Riccardo Chailly inaugurated the 2022/2023 season at La Scala in Milan, and conducted Modest Mussorgsky’s “Boris Godunov”. Upon his entrance to the “Royal Box”, the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella was welcomed by a four-minutes long standing ovation. The audience, 2,000 selected guests (politicians, artists, Nobel Prize winners, musicians, journalists, etc.) kept on shouting ‘“GRAZIE PRESIDENTE” and “BRAVO”. Next to President Mattarella, you can see the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, the Lord Mayor of Milan, the President of the Italian Senate and the Italian Prime Minister. Immediately after, Maestro Chailly conducted the Italian national hymn AND the European Union hymn. To remind you, President Mattarella was re-elected on 29 January 2022, after SEVEN voting rounds, where none of the candidates received the required vote quorum...
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THE SCHRÖDINGER'S CLOWN QUIZ © Paolo Bolzoni, 3 December 2022 THERE IS A CLOWN AT DOWNING STREET NUMBER 10. Curious? Take a couple of minutes to take this quiz... Please note: 1. You are NOT required to give your e-mail address. Please ignore the “*Required” message in red on the top of the quiz. 2. You do NOT need a Google account, nor have you to register to any account. 3. You will take the quiz on an entirely anonymous basis. 4. You will be the only person who gets feedback and see the score result. 5. You can repeat the quiz as many times as you like. 6. Please encourage your friends to take the quiz. All you have to do is to send them the link below. And, 1. All questions which require a mandatory answer are marked with the asterisk * 2. The quiz is divided into short sections. You must answer all mandatory questions to proceed to the next section. Good luck and have fun. May the Britons save Britain! TAKE THE QUIZ
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The Prime Minister’s Top Secret Number 10 Private WhatsApp Group Chat. Strictly confidential. Idiots Only. © Paolo Bolzoni, 3 November 2022. With thanks to Private Eye Magazine for the idea. All characters were members of this Cabinet of Fools at the time of writing, 3 November 2022. All they need are lies, da da da da da All they need are lies, da da da da da All they need are lies, lies, And they’ll vote for us! 🤪 All adults have left the group. Rishi: Our Father who AM in Heaven; Hallowed be my name; My lies come; thy will be done on Earth As I do in Downing Street 10. All: amen. Larry: any rat around here? Rishi: Nope, they’re all on-line. Cruella: the plane to Rwanda can’t take off. Heavy payload in the cattle cargo. Rishi: steady on, Creepy. Starve them for two weeks, and try again. Akshata: brilliant, luv. Jeremy Hunt: we can pay for the fuel with money we save on feeding them. Cruella: 😂 🤪 👍 Rishi: what about scrapping the NHS? We can afford private health care, tough for t...
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NOTHING'S ALRIGHT Transposition of “Everything's alright” Jesus Christ Superstar, 1970, by Sir Tim Rice and Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber © Paolo Bolzoni, 24 October 2022 Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to Problems that upset you, oh Don't you know Nothing's alright, no, nothing's fine And we want you to sleep well tonight Let the world turn without you tonight If you try, you’ll get by, so forget all about Rishi tonight Nothing's alright, no Nothing's alright, no Sleep while the Cons hurt you Dream while they ruin you Valium for your confused heads, oh Then you'll feel Nothing's alright, no, nothing's fine And it's cool and lies are sweet For Richi’s mates who profit of it Close your eyes, close your eyes And relax, forget Rishi tonight Nothing's alright, no Nothing's alright, no Rishi, your mad budget, out of control Should be used for the poor Why are you wasting it? You could give maybe Hope to millions or more People who ar...
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NO HOSANNA FOR RISHI Transposition of “Hosanna” Jesus Christ Superstar, 1970, by Sir Tim Rice and Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber © Paolo Bolzoni, 24 October 2022 Hosanna Hey Sanna Sanna Sanna No! Sanna Hey Sanna No! Hey Rishi we’ll never stand by you Sanna Hosanna No! Hey Rishi you’re a bad star Listen Rishi get out now, we anticipate a riot Can’t you see the markets’re scared at what you’ll do Brexit we’ll bring us down completely The mob who follow you are fools and they are wrong They are a curse, they must disperse Hosanna Hey Sanna Sanna Sanna No! Sanna Hey Sanna No! Hey Rishi we’ll never support you Sanna Hosanna No! Hey Rishi you’re a bad star Britain is not yet dead, we’ll keep on fighting Nothing can be done to stop us shouting Britain’s glory hasn’t perished If every tongue were stilled The noise would still continue The rocks and stones themselves would start to sing Hosanna Hey Sanna Sanna Sanna No! Sanna Hey Sanna No! Hey Rishi we just don’t want you Sanna Hosanna No! Hey Rishi ...
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I wrote this Wednesday evening, an hour before Boris the buffoon pulled out. What a shame… COULD I SCREW YOU AGAIN, PLEASE? © Sir Tim Rice 1970 and Paolo Bolzoni, 23 October 2022 I’ve been living to screw you Dying to screw you, but the Cons got rid of me This was unexpected, what do I do now Could I screw Britain again, please? I've been very hopeful so far Now I really think they’ve voted wrong Hurry up and vote for me, this is just my dream To screw Britain again, please? I think you've made your point weeks ago You've even gone a bit too far to send me away Before it gets too frightening, you ought to vote for me now So, could I screw you again, please? A lizard took my place I had to drop my crown, but she’s just a fool As we all expected, Larry kicked her out So, let me screw you again, please? Let me screw Britain again, please? I think the markets made their point now They’ve even gone a bit too far to sink the pound Before it recovers, we ought to sink the country...
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PRINSJESDAG: MILJOENENNOTA 2023 PRIORITEITEN EERST! Centen, centen, centen? Neen, mensen en onze toekomst eerst! Regeren is een kwestie van kiezen tussen prioriteiten. In de laatste jaren, het Kabinet heeft gekozen voor zuinigheid, vermindering van investering en verlaging van inkomsten en winst belasting. De meest recente cijfers: Overheidsschuld tov BBP (EU-drempel 60% van het BBP) Maart 2022 50.7% December 2021 52.1% December 2020 54.3% Begrotingstekort tot BBP (EU-drempel 3% van het BBP) December 2021 2.5% December 2020 3.7% Overheidsuitgaven naar BBP December 2021 46.6% December 2020 47.8% Het resultaat? AOW-uitkering niet voldoende Bezuinigingen in de zorg = zorg puinhoop Bezuinigingen in onderwijs = onderwijs puinhoop Bezuinigingen in infrastructuur = wegen en spoor puinhoop Bezuinigingen politie = problemen voor veiligheid Maar, budget defensie (voor de oorlog) = omhoog Begrotingstekort is niets anders dan schulden verschoven naar toekomstige generaties. Maar, wat voor toeko...
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20 SEPTEMBER, PRINSJESDAG: DUTCH NATIONAL BUDGET FOR 2023 GET YOUR PRIORITIES RIGHT! Pennies, pennies, pennies? No, the people and our future first! Governing is a matter of choosing between priorities. In recent years, the Netherlands Cabinet have opted for reduction of public expenditure, reduction of public investment and reduction of income and corporate tax. The most recent figures are: Government debt to GDP (EU threshold 60% of GDP) March 2022 50.7% Dec 2021 52.1% Dec 2020 54.3% Budget deficit to GDP (EU threshold 3% of GDP) Dec 2021 2.5% Dec 2020 3.7% Government spending by GDP Dec 2021 46.6% Dec 2020 47.8% The result? Public pension benefits are not adequate Healthcare cuts = public care is in a mess Cuts in education = education is in a mess Infrastructure cuts = roads and rail are in a mess Police cuts = problems with public security But, defence budget (before the war) = increased Budget deficit is nothing but debt shifted to future generations. But, what future will the...
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TO A GREAT LEADER He is a great leader, his soul is black He grew up red, but freedom is what he whacks He loves to drink, but the fluid must be red A master scholar, the champion of bloodshed He rides naked, his belt is black He is a strong, virile chap He speaks nothing else than crap He is never cold, doesn’t need gas He cuts the pipelines, leaves the world in a mess Nobel Prize for the Environment surely he’ll get He loves cereals, but not for bread Just to fill us all with dread To starve the poor of the world To enrich his pals in the underworld Got a problem? You’ll be dead Worth 200 billion, not exactly a Karl Marx Mega yachts, a “modest” dacha palace to relax Poor Bill Gates is just a tramp Of all evils he is the champ Lovely chap, for oligarchs the crumbs to snack Cannons, bombs, planes and tanks To buy with plenty of money in the banks Great display at the military parades All saluting him in orderly brigades West, for all your weapons many thanks Holy Motherland, you are di...
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OPEN LETTER TO A RIGHT HONOURABLE (She/Her) LIZ, LUV, In the unluckiest event you’ll make it to PM, I decided to help you with the easy task to form your Cabinet. Now luv, off you go to the Queen with my list. Be a very humble girl. Her Majesty is a lovely lady who truly cares about her subjects. All she desires is care, equality, justice and freedom for all. DON’T break a leg, Paolo @Liberal Democrats @Scottish National Party (SNP) @The Labour Party *** THE NEW UK CABINET *** STATEMENT BY THE PRIME MINISTER “Today, Britain enters a new era. New values will bless our great country. Britons are finally freed from all social crap and of the care for the commoners. There shall be justice for all those who deserve it. We aim at scrapping all public services and pensions. We shall continue to sack civil servants. I shall not rest till Parliament become an assembly under my command. PM question time will allow only one question, of course, asked by me: “Am I Britain’s saviour?”, followe...
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The Gospel according to Paolo I was once sitting on top of a hill next to Jesus. He was telling the parable of the chap in Downing Street 10 who spent his life telling lies. I told Jesus: “Forgive him Lord, for he is just a buffoon, he does not realise what he says”. Jesus turned to me and said: “You just pulled words out of my mouth. Let’s have a pint, mate”. In the pub, everyone looked and pointed at me (of course nobody knew Jesus, he was not a resident in the pub), but nobody dared to speak to me. I told Jesus: “See old boy, they are Boris’ Cabinet, they just keep their mouth shut”. Amen © Paolo Bolzoni, 16 February 2022
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COMUNICATO DELLA PRESIDENZA DELLA REPUBBLICA A SEGUITO DELLE DIMISSIONI DI MARIO DRAGHI © Paolo Bolzoni, 24 luglio 2022. Oggi, 24 luglio 2022, i membri del nuovo Consiglio dei Ministri hanno giurato fedeltà alla Repubblica ed alla Costituzione davanti al Presidente Sergio Mattarella. Per fronteggiare la tragica emergenza seguita alle dimissioni di Mario Draghi il 21 luglio 2022, il Presidente Mattarella ha scelto tutti i Ministri senza perdere tempo in inutili consultazioni con partiti ormai trasformati da miopi in ciechi. Solo i Senatori a vita sono stati invitati per piangere insieme ed a consolarsi con un buon grappino. Tutti i Ministri NON sono membri della Camera dei Deputati o del Senato della Repubblica, e non sono iscritti a partiti politici. Tutti i Deputati e Senatori hanno approvato senza fiatare. Al termine della cerimonia, il Presidente Sergio Mattarella ha dichiarato:
“Per la prima volta nella storia della Repubblica, tutti i ministri sono persone competenti, esper...
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BREXIT ON THEIR MINDS Transposition of Heaven on Their Minds, Jesus Christ Superstar Lyrics by Sir Tim Rice, music by Lord Andrew Lloyd-Webber, 1970 © Paolo Bolzoni, 1 July 2022 My mind is clearer now. At last all too well I can see where Britain soon will be. If you strip away the lies from the truth You will see where you soon will be. Britain! You've started to believe The lies they are telling you. You really do believe The Brexit’s gains are true. And all the good you've done Will soon get swept away. The lies began to matter more Than the advantages to stay. Listen Britain I don't like what I see. All I ask is that you listen to me. And remember, I've been supporting you all along. Boris set you all on fire Made you believe Brexit is the new Messiah. And it’ll hurt you when you find that’s all wrong. I remember when this whole thing began No talks of Brexit then, no talks of bans. And believe me, my admiration for you hasn't died. But every word Boris says tod...
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SCHRÖDINGER'S CLOWN From a tale of quantum mechanics. © Paolo Bolzoni, 19 July 2022 In quantum mechanics, Erwin Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment that illustrates a paradox of quantum superposition. In the thought experiment, a hypothetical cat may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead as a result of its fate being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur. Let’s make a thought experiment, err, a VERY REALISTIC EXPERIMENT! The scenario is often featured in debates in the Commons on the interpretations of quantum mechanics, particularly in situations involving a clown who lives in Downing Street 10. In layman’s terms, Boris remains PM until the October Conservative Party Conference, or he is kicked out before. One can even set up quite ridiculous cases. Boris the clown is locked up in a steel cage, along with the following device (which must be secured against direct interference by the clown): in the corridor, there is a tiny bit of rebel...
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Questa mia satira è intraducibile, ma chiunque segue la politica della Gran Bretagna la capisce al volo. I giochi di parole sono: 1. Downing Street 10 è la residenza di Boris Johnson. 2. Larry è il gatto che vive li. 3. HNS è l’istituto nazionale della sanità. 4. Mog è Jacob William Rees-Mogg, ministro per Brexit e per le opportunità, si veste sempre come un becchino. Mog significa andare via. 5. Pretty Expel è Priti Patel, ministra degli interni. Vuole cacciare via tutti gli immigrati e chiudere i confini per gli ucraini. 6. Rishit è Rishi Sunak, ministro del tesoro. Rishit significa sapientone, migliore in tutto (nel suo caso, ad incassare dagli oligarchi russi ed evadere le tasse). 7. Liz-ard (lucertola) è Liz Truss, ministra degli esteri. ***** I SAW A CLOWN Transposition of “Ho visto un re”, by Dario Fo, 1968, interpreted by Enzo Jannacci. Dario Fo won the 1997 Nobel Prize for Literature. Enzo Jannacci is a legend of Milanese cabaret. Dedicated to Britain who have to put up with t...
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A CONCISE GUIDE TO RUGBY UNION THIS IS RUGBY - HISTORY The name of the game is Rugby Football. Started in 1845 at the Rugby public school in England. The governing body is World Rugby. The greatest tournaments are the World Cup and the Six Nations. Twickenham is the Home of Rugby and has a magnificent museum dedicated to the history of the game. The Six Nations 2022 ended last Saturday 19 March. France won the tournament with a Grand Slam (five wins out of five matches). 1. France 2. Ireland 3. England 4. Scotland 5. Wales 6. Italy The current world ranking is: 1 SA 2 NZ 3 FRA 4 IRL 5 ENG 6 AUL 7 SCO 8 WAL 9 ARG 10 JAP THIS IS RUGBY - VALUES Camaraderie Discipline Enjoyment Integrity Passion Respect Solidarity Sportsmanship Teamwork And… Third half attended by both teams and match officials. Life-long friendship among team mates and opponents. Rugby is a gentlemen sport played by true gentlemen. THIS IS RUGBY - THE RULES The Laws of the Game are made by World Rugby. They are reviewed/m...
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COULD THIS BE THE SOLUTION TO THE CONFLICT IN UKRAINE? As I wrote elsewhere, in 1981 Maastricht hosted the first Euro Top meeting of the then European Community. The Queen’s Governor hosted a lunch at my Huize Eyll, attended by the President of France, the prime ministers of the other nine member states and all ten foreign ministers. I am tempted to host a dinner for the leaders of the 27 members of the EU, for the President of the European Parliament, for the President of the European Union and for the President of the European Commission. I shall also invite Boris Johnson and Joe Biden. I can picture the after dinner discussion. Kaja Kallas, Magdalena Andersson, Mette Frederiksen, Roberta Metsola, Sanna Marin and Ursula von der Leyen retire into the formal reception room. The boys lit their cigars and enjoy a 1957 Quinta do Noval Nacional port. Joe avidly sucks his Cohiba Esplendido. Boris is missing; he is a jolly good fellow, but he never passes the port. Very heated discussion abo...
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POTREBBE ESSERE QUESTA LA SOLUZIONE AL CONFLITTO IN UCRAINA? Come ho scritto altrove, nel 1981 Maastricht ospitò il primo incontro Euro Top dell'allora Comunità Europea. Il governatore della regina ha ospitato un pranzo a casa mia, Huize Eyll, a cui hanno partecipato il presidente della Francia, i primi ministri degli altri nove stati membri e tutti e dieci i ministri degli esteri. Sono tentato di ospitare una cena per i leader dei 27 membri dell'UE, per la Presidente del Parlamento Europeo, per la Presidente della UE e per il presidente dell’UE. Inviterò anche Boris Johnson e Joe Biden. Posso immaginare la discussione dopo cena. Kaja Kallas, Magdalena Andersson, Mette Frederiksen, Roberta Metsola, Sanna Marin e Ursula von der Leyen si ritirano nel salone di ricevimento. I ragazzi si accendono i sigari e si godono un porto di Quinta do Noval Nacional del 1957. Joe succhia avidamente il suo Cohiba Esplendido. Boris è andato via; è un bravo ragazzo, ma non passa mai il porto. Dis...
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IN 2012, THE EU WAS AWARDED THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE FOR ADVANCING THE CAUSES OF PEACE, RECONCILIATION, DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN EUROPE. THE AIMS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION WITHIN ITS BORDERS ARE: Promote peace, its values and the well-being of its citizens Offer freedom, security and justice without internal borders, while also taking appropriate measures at its external borders to regulate asylum and immigration and prevent and combat crime Establish an internal market Achieve sustainable development based on balanced economic growth and price stability and a highly competitive market economy with full employment and social progress Protect and improve the quality of the environment Promote scientific and technological progress Combat social exclusion and discrimination Promote social justice and protection, equality between women and men, and protection of the rights of the child Enhance economic, social and territorial cohesion and solidarity among EU countries Respect its rich ...
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Please forward this text, make sure it reaches Украина. All those walking to freedom, on trains, on buses, in shelters. SING! FROM ME TO UKRAINE. УКРАИНА Transposition of “Hosanna” JCS 1970, by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber © Paolo Bolzoni, 27 February 2022 Hosanna Hey Sanna Sanna Sanna Hosanna Hey Sanna Hosanna Hey Украина you’ll always be with me Sanna Hosanna Hey Украина Superstar Listen Putin get out now, we anticipate a riot Can’t you see the whole world is against you Your bullying acts are much too much The mob who follow you are fools and they are wrong They are a curse, they must disperse Hosanna Hey Sanna Sanna Sanna Hosanna Hey Sanna Hosanna Hey Украина you're alright by me Sanna Hosanna Hey Украина Superstar Украина is not yet dead, we’ll keep on fighting Nothing can be done to stop us shouting Украина glory hasn’t perished If every tongue were stilled The noise would still continue The rocks and stones themselves would start to sing Hosanna Hey ...
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EPISTOLA AD FRANCISCUM PAPAM Paulus Francisco Ave. Obstrepit silentium tuum. Oratis privatim. Sile artibus uteris. Sed hoc non est satis. Clamorem doloris contra immanitatem belli huius belli, omnium bellorum, audiat mundus! Vicarium Christi te in terris esse credis. Fac ut tunc. Putasne eum cum rabbis egisse? Dicere nullam aliquam lacus? Pacem vocas, “bellum insania est”. Quis te audivit? Non, nolit. In montem ascendet, et clamabit iram suam, ut audiat omnis anima super terram. Et tu non es iustus vicarius Christi. Tu es caput civitatis, absolutus Sanctae Sedis monarcha. Civitas Vaticana habet statum Sodalis Permanentis Nationum Unitarum. Hoc est singulare privilegium. Nulla alia religio tuam dignitatem habet. Legatus tuus omnes conventus comitatur. Omnibus conventibus ius loquendi. Hoc jure utere. Sed melius est, ut New York, dic omnibus gentibus quid audiant. Mundus nec Ave Maria nec Benedictio paschalis est. Ibi moriuntur. Omit missa matutina, nuntium tuum Moscuae et Orbi para. Mun...
Cantus in memory Britten/Pärt, Stabat Mater Pergolesi
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TO UKRAINE In early 2015, our Maastricht Chamber Orchestra gave two benefit concerts as fund-raising for the people of Ukraine, already then suffering for the atrocities of the war. Many donated also on-line. We donated all proceedings to Doctors without Borders. Arvo Pärt: Cantus in memory of Benjamin Britten Giovanni Battista Pergolesi: Stabat Mater Conductor: Federico Santi Soprano: Barbara Haveman Mezzo soprano: Mirouslava Yordanova 31 March 2015: OLV Basiliek, Maastricht, NL 1 April 2015: OLV Basiliek, Tongeren, BE This is the live recording of the concert in Maastricht. Maastricht Chamber Orchestra - Benefit concert for Ukraine.
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FIRST IN, FIRST OUT La mia casa a Maastricht, Huize Eyll, è stata la residenza ufficiale di Johan Kremers, il Governatore della Regina per la provincia del Limburgo negli anni 1977-1990. Durante la prima riunione del top europeo dei dieci nel 1981, il Governatore Kremers ha offerto un pranzo a casa mia, al quale hanno partecipato il Presidente della Repubblica Francese, tutti i presidenti del consiglio degli altri nove membri e tutti i dieci ministri degli esteri. Nella foto ricordo di gruppo una certa signora Thatcher è in prima fila: un perfetto esempio di contabilità del magazzino “FIRST IN, FIRST OUT”!
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FIRST IN, FIRST OUT My home in Maastricht, Huize Eyll, was the official residence of Johan Kremers, the Queen's Governor to the province of Limburg in the years 1977-1990. During the first meeting of the European top ten in 1981, Governor Kremers hosted a lunch at my house, which was attended by the President of the French Republic, all prime ministers of the other nine members, and all ten foreign ministers. In the group souvenir photo, a certain Mrs. Thatcher is standing in the front row: a perfect example of warehouse accounting “FIRST IN, FIRST OUT”!
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VLADIMIR PUTIN, frame this in your office and stare at it! When students from all over the world could have a hearty laugh at international politics. When détente gave as all a future to look forward to. This is one of the Daily Smash issues, distributed each morning to all delegates to the AIESEC International Congress in Switzerland, 1976. I attended in the capacity of President of AIESEC Italy. It is very funny. It’s a motion proposed by the Vatican, signed by Pope Paul VI, and seconded by Russia, signed by Leonid Brezhnev. The president of AIESEC USSR wrote it.
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https://lnkd.in/d6558UBD TO VLADIMIR PUTIN Think again! The Ballad Of The Unknown Soldier I Gufi, 1968, by Lino Patruno - Walter Waldi I don't remember in which war In which sky in which sea Or maybe it was an inch of earth That I had to conquer. A flag was flying But I don't remember its colour That day it was my turn to die I don't remember for whom. I only remember my first love Who was far away waiting for me And who wept bitter tears The day I left to never return. I was dressed as a soldier But the rest I have forgotten I don't even know What was the colour of my skin. I don't know what time I lived I don't know if I have won or if I have lost I know I screamed for honour But I don't remember whose. I only remember my first love Who was far away waiting for me And who wept bitter tears The day I left never to return. On my grave there is no name Even I forgot it There is a granite monument And a soldier's helmet. There are so many words written t...