Transposition of
Heaven on Their Minds, Jesus Christ Superstar
Lyrics by Sir Tim Rice, music by Lord Andrew Lloyd-Webber, 1970
© Paolo Bolzoni, 1 July 2022
My mind is clearer now.
At last all too well
I can see where Britain soon will be.
If you strip away the lies from the truth
You will see where you soon will be.
You've started to believe
The lies they are telling you.
You really do believe
The Brexit’s gains are true.
And all the good you've done
Will soon get swept away.
The lies began to matter more
Than the advantages to stay.
Listen Britain I don't like what I see.
All I ask is that you listen to me.
And remember, I've been supporting you all along.
Boris set you all on fire
Made you believe Brexit is the new Messiah.
And it’ll hurt you when you find that’s all wrong.
I remember when this whole thing began
No talks of Brexit then, no talks of bans.
And believe me, my admiration for you hasn't died.
But every word Boris says today
Screw Britain in so many, many ways.
And you’ll be hurt when you realise he lied.
Britain, your famous Eton boy should have stayed a great unknown
Screwing Britain in Number 10 already made him a great buffoon.
Boris, Jacob, Rishi, Liz-ard and Pretty Expel
Should be ringing a loud bell
They should end soon in the Tower cell.
Listen, Britain, you must stop this disgrace
Don't you see that the EU is your place?
You became a laughing stock; you lost all face.
I am frightened by this Cabinet of Fools,
They do nothing but break all the rules.
And they'll crush you if they go too far.
They’ve already gone too far....
Listen, Britain, to the warning I give.
Please remember that it was wrong to leave.
But it's sad to see your future weakening with every hour.
All Boris’ followers are blind
Too much Brexit on their minds.
It was a dream, but now it's sour.
Yes it's all gone sour.
Listen, Britain, to the warning I give.
Please remember that it was wrong to leave.
Come on, come on
Listen to me ...
Come on, come on
Listen to me ...
COMUNICATO DELLA PRESIDENZA DELLA REPUBBLICA A SEGUITO DELLE DIMISSIONI DI MARIO DRAGHI © Paolo Bolzoni, 24 luglio 2022. Oggi, 24 luglio 2022, i membri del nuovo Consiglio dei Ministri hanno giurato fedeltà alla Repubblica ed alla Costituzione davanti al Presidente Sergio Mattarella. Per fronteggiare la tragica emergenza seguita alle dimissioni di Mario Draghi il 21 luglio 2022, il Presidente Mattarella ha scelto tutti i Ministri senza perdere tempo in inutili consultazioni con partiti ormai trasformati da miopi in ciechi. Solo i Senatori a vita sono stati invitati per piangere insieme ed a consolarsi con un buon grappino. Tutti i Ministri NON sono membri della Camera dei Deputati o del Senato della Repubblica, e non sono iscritti a partiti politici. Tutti i Deputati e Senatori hanno approvato senza fiatare. Al termine della cerimonia, il Presidente Sergio Mattarella ha dichiarato:
“Per la prima volta nella storia della Repubblica, tutti i ministri sono persone competenti, esper...