Questa mia satira è intraducibile, ma chiunque segue la politica della Gran Bretagna la capisce al volo.
I giochi di parole sono:
1. Downing Street 10 è la residenza di Boris Johnson.
2. Larry è il gatto che vive li.
3. HNS è l’istituto nazionale della sanità.
4. Mog è Jacob William Rees-Mogg, ministro per Brexit e per le opportunità, si veste sempre come un becchino. Mog significa andare via.
5. Pretty Expel è Priti Patel, ministra degli interni. Vuole cacciare via tutti gli immigrati e chiudere i confini per gli ucraini.
6. Rishit è Rishi Sunak, ministro del tesoro. Rishit significa sapientone, migliore in tutto (nel suo caso, ad incassare dagli oligarchi russi ed evadere le tasse).
7. Liz-ard (lucertola) è Liz Truss, ministra degli esteri.


Transposition of “Ho visto un re”, by Dario Fo, 1968, interpreted by Enzo Jannacci.
Dario Fo won the 1997 Nobel Prize for Literature.
Enzo Jannacci is a legend of Milanese cabaret.

Dedicated to Britain who have to put up with this Cabinet of Monstrosities.
With apologies for not complying with consecutio temporum.

© Paolo Bolzoni, 22 May 2022

Yes well, ah well, yes well, ah well
Come on, tell us more
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah

I saw a buffoon
You saw what?
I saw a buffoon, a clown!
Oh yeah, come on, tell us more

A clown sitting in Downing 10
He cried so many tears
But so many that
He also wet Larry
Poor clown
And also poor cat

Yes well, ah well

No more parties, no more booze
No more money to pay for fines
The Queen couldn’t join the party
It's COVID and the NHS
It is NATO and the EU who ignore him
At the meetings they turn their backs
LOL at what he says
LOL at what he does
Poor clown
Poor Queen
Poor NHS
And happy is the EU now free of him

Yes well, ah well, yes well, ah well
Come on, tell us more

I saw an undertaker
You saw what?
I saw an undertaker, a Mog
Oh yeah, come on, tell us more

The undertaker, he too,
He was crying, shouting his rage
He also bit a hand
Whose hand?
The hand of Ursula von der Leyen
Poor Mog
And also poor Ursula

Yes well, ah well

It is the clown who put him in charge
Of Brexit
To mog with style
He messed up all opportunities
Bloody NI Treaty
Poor undertaker
Poor opportunities
And also poor Ireland

Yes well, ah well, yes well, ah well
Come on, tell us more

I saw a Pretty
You saw what?
I saw a Pretty, Pretty Expel
Oh yeah, come on, tell us more

She was crying so much
Nobody understands her warm heart
Trying to help the poor migrants
After all the troubles and tribulations
Of dangerous crossings in cold waters

Yes well, ah well

The Ukrainians are not used to ales
They love their vodka
Stay put in France, you’ll find excellent soup kitchens
Nourishing frog meat
And the tan chaps, shivering and cold
Need to warm-up in hot Ruanda
Full board in 5 star hotels
Poor migrants
Poor kitchens
Poor Ruanda
And also poor hotels

Yes well, ah well, yes well, ah well
Come on, tell us more

I saw a vampire
You saw what?
I saw a vampire, a Rishit
Oh yeah, come on, tell us more

He was crying over a bag of quids
Taken from the poor to give to the rich
Drinking their poor blood
Their blood is also poor

Yes well, ah well

Left very thirsty he begged the oligarchs
To let him drink their blood
In return for a blind eye
Poor vampire
Poor rich blokes
And also poor oligarchs

Yes well, ah well, yes well, ah well
Come on, tell us more

I saw a witch
You saw what?
I saw a witch, a Liz-ard
Oh yeah, come on, tell us more

She was crying over 20 tanks
100 fighter jets
300 costal guard ships to shoot at the migrants crossing
1,000 missiles
20,000 bombs
She cried so much
She wet the fuses, all became useless

Yes well, ah well

Her cold reptile blood turned so chilly
She needed to warm up
With good old Russian vodka
At the thought of sentencing Saudi scholars to death
They own books not authorised by the Kingdom
At the thought of messing up peace
At the relaxing sound of bombs devastating cities
Poor Liz-ard
Poor weapons
And also poor peace

Yes well, ah well, yes well, ah well
Come on, tell us more

The EU, Ursula, NATO, the allies, the poor, the migrants
Even Biden
Not Putin
They ruined this Cabinet of Monstrosities’ dreams

Yes well, ah well, yes well, ah well
Come on, tell us more

But the British don’t cry, they don't cry
In fact they are giggling
Ah! Ah! Ah!
Giggling, are they mad?

The fact is that we British
We British
Always happy we must be
For our complaints hurt the clown,
Hurt the undertaker, hurt the pretty, hurt the vampire and hurt the witch
They can’t screw Britain if we complain!

Always happy we must be
For our complaints hurt the clown,
Hurt the undertaker, hurt the pretty, hurt the vampire and hurt the witch
They can’t screw Britain if we complain!


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