Transposition of “Hosanna”
Jesus Christ Superstar, 1970, by Sir Tim Rice and Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber
© Paolo Bolzoni, 24 October 2022

Hosanna Hey Sanna Sanna Sanna No!
Sanna Hey Sanna No!
Hey Rishi we’ll never stand by you
Sanna Hosanna No!
Hey Rishi you’re a bad star

Listen Rishi get out now, we anticipate a riot
Can’t you see the markets’re scared at what you’ll do
Brexit we’ll bring us down completely
The mob who follow you are fools and they are wrong
They are a curse, they must disperse

Hosanna Hey Sanna Sanna Sanna No!
Sanna Hey Sanna No!
Hey Rishi we’ll never support you
Sanna Hosanna No!
Hey Rishi you’re a bad star

Britain is not yet dead, we’ll keep on fighting
Nothing can be done to stop us shouting
Britain’s glory hasn’t perished
If every tongue were stilled
The noise would still continue
The rocks and stones themselves would start to sing

Hosanna Hey Sanna Sanna Sanna No!
Sanna Hey Sanna No!
Hey Rishi we just don’t want you
Sanna Hosanna No!
Hey Rishi you’re a bad star

Let’s sing this song out loud
We are all one to fight for Britain
We sing it out to rescue our land
For Britain is our soul
There is not one of us
Who cannot win the battle
The mums, the kids,
The bros, the dads

Hosanna Hey Sanna Sanna Sanna No!
Sanna Hey Sanna No!
Hey Rishi go home now
Sanna Hosanna No!
Hey Rishi you’re a bad star


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