I Gufi - Roberto Brivio, Gianni Magni, Lino Patruno, Nanni Svampa - sono una leggenda del cabaret italiano.

25 dicembre, Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, il giorno in cui si celebra la rinascita del Sole Invitto, il solstizio d'Inverno nel calendario giuliano.

Non è il giorno della nascita di Gesù, che nessuno conosce e per la quale non ci sono documenti storici.
L'imperatore Aureliano costruì un tempio al culto solare e lo consacrò il 25 dicembre 274.
Una grande mossa, un elemento unificante dei molti culti solari nell'Impero romano.
I cristiani, che non avevano mai festeggiato la nascita di Gesù, hanno partecipato alle celebrazioni e hanno proclamato la vera Natività il 25 dicembre.

Vi auguro tutte le gioie delle feste. Che siano giorni di gioia e amore, e che portino la speranza di un 2025 migliore.
Ascoltate questa canzone. Non sprecate soldi per regali inutili, pensate ad aiutare chi ne ha bisogno.
E fate ai vostri cari il regalo più bello e prezioso di tutti, regalate il vostro amore!

25 dicembre, Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, il giorno in cui la luce sconfigge l'oscurità.
Che la pace sconfigga la guerra!

I Gufi - Roberto Brivio, Gianni Magni, Lino Patruno, Nanni Svampa - are a legend of Italian cabaret.

25 December, Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, the day to celebrate the re-birth of the Invincible Sun, the Winter Solstice in the Julian calendar.

It is not the day of Jesus' birth, which no one knows, and for which there are no historical records.
Emperor Aurelian built a temple to the solar cult and consecrated it on 25 December 274.
A great move, a unifying element of the many solar cults in the Roman Empire.
Christians, who never celebrated the birth of Jesus, unknown to everyone, participated in the celebrations, and proclaimed the true Nativity on December 25.

I wish you all the joys of the season.
May the festivities be a celebration of joy and love, and may they bring hope for a better 2025.
Please read the lyrics. Don’t waste your money with useless presents, consider helping those who need it.
And, give your dears the most beautiful and valuable of all presents, your love!

25 December, Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, the day when light defeats darkness.
Let peace defeat war.


To my dad two ties, even one was enough to sync
He didn't even wear the one I gave him last year
To my mum, smart long gloves in black silk
Yes, but I'd have to convince her to go out and cheer

Long live Christmas
We love each other
New Year’s coming soon
Happy New Year

Then the Epiphany will come
And all holidays are gone
Then the Epiphany will come
And all holidays are gone

For you a sporty scarf with a perfume and two LP’s
OMG, what a blunder, you have not a record player
To me a black coat, it has a long tail
I can't even change it, it was a winter sale

Long live Christmas
We love each other
New Year’s coming soon
Happy New Year

Then the Epiphany will come
And all holidays are gone
Then the Epiphany will come
And all holidays are gone

This morning the boss summoned us to the boardroom
We left, guess what, with a Christmas cake
Luckily it’s small, it’s very fitting the recession
It’s not even necessary to bow and say thank you

Long live Christmas
We love each other
New Year’s coming soon
Happy New Year

Then the Epiphany will come
And all holidays are gone
Then the Epiphany will come
And all holidays are gone

In the news headquarters dinners are prepared
For one day even the homeless will eat a bit scared
To calm the conscience and not to increase the risk
Jesus is born and dies the day after as Christ

Down with Christmas
All expenses increase
Luckily it doesn't come
Thirty times a month

Then the Epiphany will come
And old folks will be gone
Then the Epiphany will come
And old folks will be gone

I Gufi - Evviva il Natale


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