FOUR-MINUTES LONG STANDING OVATION FOR PRESIDENT SERGIO MATTARELLA. Yesterday, 7 December 2022, Maestro Riccardo Chailly inaugurated the 2022/2023 season at La Scala in Milan, and conducted Modest Mussorgsky’s “Boris Godunov”. Upon his entrance to the “Royal Box”, the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella was welcomed by a four-minutes long standing ovation. The audience, 2,000 selected guests (politicians, artists, Nobel Prize winners, musicians, journalists, etc.) kept on shouting ‘“GRAZIE PRESIDENTE” and “BRAVO”. Next to President Mattarella, you can see the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, the Lord Mayor of Milan, the President of the Italian Senate and the Italian Prime Minister. Immediately after, Maestro Chailly conducted the Italian national hymn AND the European Union hymn. To remind you, President Mattarella was re-elected on 29 January 2022, after SEVEN voting rounds, where none of the candidates received the required vote quorum...
22 LIARS IN LINES FOR FOUR WITH REMINDER OF TWO This six years old child, who won the children’s song contest in 1968, is by far smarter than this Cabinet of fools. In the dungeon of Number 10 22 liars without shame Organised a meeting To sink the UK 22 liars in lines for four with the remainder of two In Number 10 telling Britons fuck you They met in secret In lines for four with the remainder of two Counting the bribes In lines for four with the remainder of two With foam in the mouth In line for four with the remainder of two They sold Britain off In lines for four with the remainder of two They told all the poor Who starve in the streets And ask for one meal a day And dream to sleep under a roof Millions in line for a meal And a rest under a roof Ehi, fuck off you They met in secret In lines for four with the remainder of two With slimy hands In lines for four with the remainder of two When at the end of the meeting The situation was defined The ...
Il 21 aprile, Il Presidente del Senato Ignazio La Russa ha dichiarato: “Nella Costituzione non c’è l’antifascismo.” Dopo le tante polemiche, ha rincarato la dose: “Non mi pento, riaffermo che nella Costituzione non c’è l’antifascismo.” Affermazione terrificante! Tutte le critiche, pienamente giustificate, da parte della stampa e da tutti i partiti politici, deputati e senatori, non hanno accennato alla cosa più ovvia: COSTITUZIONE DELLA REPUBBLICA ITALIANA Disposizioni Transitorie e Finali XII “È vietata la riorganizzazione, sotto qualsiasi forma, del disciolto partito fascista.” Il Presidente del Senato è la seconda carica della Repubblica, e, in caso di gravi impedimenti del Presidente Mattarella, potrebbe essere chiamato in qualsiasi momento a sostituirlo. Articolo 86 della Costituzione: “Le funzioni del Presidente della Repubblica, in ogni caso che egli non possa adempierle, sono esercitate dal Presidente del Senato.” Il Presidente della Repubblica è il GARANTE della ...
LIVING SPACE (RESILIENCE) By Caecilia Johanna van Peski Peski, C.J. van (2024). Leefruimte (Veerkracht). In: Marineblad (KVMO) 5 – 2024/134, pp. 18-19. Jerusalem, Israel, June 16, 2024 “ Ibrahim, your bird is in a cage that is much too small!”, I exclaim to my Palestinian friend. We are drinking tea together this morning on the sidewalk in front of his shop. I measure the cage with the wooden bars by eye. A carpenter’s eye is not needed for this assessment; anyone can see that the cage is much too small for the bird. The animal hops nervously back and forth on its tiny stick. A few centimetres to the left, a few centimetres to the right, there is no more room to move. The bird cannot even spread its wings; the confines of the cage that is too narrow do not allow that. ‘ What kind of bird is it?’ I ask further, while I watch the restless hopping back and forth of the bird. ‘A rose-finch,’ Ibrahim answers. ‘Do you see the red head, chest and rump? Beauti...
EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ELECTIONS 2024 PRESIDENTS MATTARELLA, STEINMEIER AND VAN DER BELLEN: «WE URGE YOU VOTE IN THE EUROPEAN ELECTIONS, THIS IS HOW DEMOCRACY IS DEFENDED» Statement published by Corriere della Sera on 10 May 2024. The joint declaration is signed by the Italian, German and Austrian Presidents. 75 million civilians and soldiers lost their lives to free Europe from the horror of Fascism and Nazism. They died because of deliberate genocide, massacres, mass-bombings, disease, and starvation. The European far right national and populist parties seemingly don’t care about the tragedy, horror, and devastation of World War II. The European far right parties aim at the destruction of the fundamental values of the European Union. Read this noble statement, and think carefully before you cast your vote. Honour the lives of the 75 million victims! “Our three countries know that once democracy is achieved it is not guaranteed, and that exasperated nationalism generates war. It is not s...
2 NOVEMBRE Dedicato a tutti i politici ingrassati dalle loro menzogne. Da uno dei mie spettacoli di cabaret a Milano, dove mi sono esibito con altri dilettanti, con un monologo su fatti e persone noti a tutti gli spettatori. Ero uno studente di 18 anni. Seduta in prima fila una signora bassa ma super obesa, occupava due sedie, una per chiappa, sembrava la Gertrude, direttrice del collegio di Gian Burrasca. Seduto di fianco, il marito, alto, allampanato, baffi rivoltati all’insù, sembrava Stanislao, direttore del collegio di Gian Burrasca. Gertrude era ingioiellata, il profumo (lezzo) che si spandeva per tutta la sala, faccia da carogna, occhi iniettati di sangue. Comincio il mio monologo, gli spettatori si divertivano, risate a scena aperta, ecc. La Gertrude, venuta solo per disturbare, ha cominciato ad interrompermi: Basta, Muchela che fai pena, (Gli spettatori “la smetta signora, ci stiamo divertendo”) La Gertrude avanti con gli insulti. Vai a lavorare lazzarone, Pirla, ci ha...