

DE MAGNUM MENDACIUM ECCLESIA CATHOLICA MAGNA SOROR SUL GRANDE IMBROGLIO LA CHIESA CATTOLICA COME GRANDE SORELLA © Paolo Bolzoni, settembre 2024 OREMUS Libertas, quae est somnium, pro multis Sanctificetur nomen tuum Adveniat regnum tuum Fiat voluntas tua Sicut in caelo, sic in toto mundo. Da Democratiam Sanctam omnibus populis Ostende nobis rectam viam Sicut nos docuerunt magni philosophi Ne nos deseras ad dictaturam Sed libera nos a malo. Amen. PREFAZIONE Frequentavo la prima media inferiore, avevo 10 anni. Un giorno, durante l’ora di religione, aka lavaggio del cervello, il prete ha letto una storiella da lui definita “edificante”. C’era una volta in Russia un servo della gleba, molto devoto, che dedicava la vita ai valori del cristianesimo. Era il giorno della Pasqua ortodossa, la più importante festività della Chiesa ortodossa. Era pronto a celebrare la Pasqua con la famiglia. Il suo padrone lo ha fatto prelevare dai sui soldati, e portato ad arare i campi per la semina. Sottomesso,
GREED AND CORRUPTION RULE POLITICS © Paolo Bolzoni, September 2024 So, welcome, Greed. You are a wonderful creature, you make politics a merry-go-round. You are the master of Argentinian, British, Chinese, Indian, Israeli, Italian, Russian, Turkish, and USA politics, to name a few. You exploit democracy, and disregard decency. And, your lovely sister Corruption! What a charming girl! You are such marvellous siblings. At times, a bit difficult to get away with. Not in Argentina, where the chainsaw bloke is on the USA payroll. Not in China, where if you worship Xi the world is yours. Not in the Gulf States, where money rules above lives. Not in India, where it’s the lifeblood of society. Not in Israel, where they have the most corrupt Prime Minister ever recorded in the Bible. Not in Italy, where it’s the way of life. Not in the Russian Federation, where the country thrives on greed and corruption, there you are not bothered with all that democracy crap. Not in the UK, where screwing the
HATE ON THEIR MINDS © Paolo Bolzoni, September 2024 Transposition of Jesus Christ Superstar “Heaven on Their Minds” Lyrics by Sir Tim Rice, music by Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber. Watch the video here HATE ON THEIR MINDS My mind is clearer now At last all too well I can see where America must not be If you strip away the lies from his mouth You will see Trump is just a flea America! You've started to believe The lies he is telling you You really do believe This talk of hate is true And all the good you've done Will soon get swept away Blind hate began to matter more Than Democracy gone astray Listen America I don't like what I see All I ask is that you listen to me And remember I've been supporting you all along Trump set you all on fire Made you believe hate is the new Messiah And you’ll regret if he gets back in power I remember when this whole thing began Presidents were decent, they were no scams And believe me my admiration for you hasn't died But every word Trumps
Articolo della mia carissima amica, e compagna di partito D66-Sociali Liberali (Paesi Bassi), Comandante della Marina Reale in missione a Ramallah, West Bank. Chiarissimo messaggio Gerusalemme et Orbi. SPAZIO VIVIBILE (RESILIENZA) Di Caecilia Johanna van Peski Traduzione italiana di “Peski, C.J. van (2024). Leefruimte (Veerkracht). Marineblad (KVMO) 5 – 2024/134, pp. 18-19”. Gerusalemme, Israele, 16 giugno 2024 “ Ibrahim, il tuo uccello è in una gabbia troppo piccola!”, esclamo al mio amico palestinese. Questa mattina stiamo bevendo il tè insieme sul marciapiede davanti al suo negozio. Misuro la gabbia con le sbarre di legno a occhio. Non serve l’occhio di un falegname per questa valutazione; chiunque può vedere che la gabbia è troppo piccola per l’uccello. L’animale saltella nervosamente avanti e indietro sul suo piccolo bastone. Pochi centimetri a sinistra, pochi centimetri a destra, non c’è più spazio per muoversi. L’uccello non riesce nemmeno a spiegare le ali


LIVING SPACE (RESILIENCE) By Caecilia Johanna van Peski Peski, C.J. van (2024). Leefruimte (Veerkracht). In: Marineblad (KVMO) 5 – 2024/134, pp. 18-19. Jerusalem, Israel, June 16, 2024 “ Ibrahim, your bird is in a cage that is much too small!”, I exclaim to my Palestinian friend. We are drinking tea together this morning on the sidewalk in front of his shop. I measure the cage with the wooden bars by eye. A carpenter’s eye is not needed for this assessment; anyone can see that the cage is much too small for the bird. The animal hops nervously back and forth on its tiny stick. A few centimetres to the left, a few centimetres to the right, there is no more room to move. The bird cannot even spread its wings; the confines of the cage that is too narrow do not allow that. ‘ What kind of bird is it?’ I ask further, while I watch the restless hopping back and forth of the bird. ‘A rose-finch,’ Ibrahim answers. ‘Do you see the red head, chest and rump? Beauti


LEEFRUIMTE (VEERKRACHT) By Caecilia Johanna van Peski Peski, C.J. van (2024). Leefruimte (Veerkracht). In: Marineblad (KVMO) 5 – 2024/134, pp. 18-19. Jerusalem, Israël, 16 juni 2024 ‘ Ibrahim, je vogel zit in een veel te klein kooitje!’, roep ik uit tegenover mijn Palestijnse vriend. We drinken samen thee deze morgen op de stoep voor
zijn winkeltje. Ik meet het kooitje met de houten spijltjes op het oog op. Een timmermansoog is bij deze inschatting niet nodig; iedereen kan zien dat het kooitje veel te klein is voor de vogel. Nerveus hipt het diertje op zijn iele stokje heen en weer. Een paar centimeter naar links, een paar centimeter naar rechts, meer beweegruimte is er niet. De vleugels uitslaan kan de vogel ook al niet, de beperking van het te nauwe kooitje staat dat niet toe. Wat is het voor vogel?’, vraag ik door, terwijl ik het rusteloze heen-en-weer hippen van het vogeltje bezie. ‘Een roodmus’, antwoordt Ibrahim. ‘Zie je de rode
Please watch my interactive fiction game. Just click on the link. It is only the first part of the game, the rest will follow once completed. The instructions are on the opening page. You can play the game in any browser, and on several devices: on your desk/laptop, tablet and smartphone. The game includes a number of videos; they are an integral part of the game. Please watch until the end. Keep the sound on: it's necessary. You can load your saved game in any device, even if different from that you used to play before. I welcome all comments. Enjoy! BREXIT GAME
BREAKING NEWS BREXIT LINE ADDED TO LONDON TUBE © Paolo Bolzoni, August 2024 Following Labour’s landslide triumph at the 4 July General Elections, London Transport renamed Tube lines and stops. The Mayor of London, Mr Sadiq Khan, applauded the move. All Tube stations have been renovated, and turned into a pleasant and safe place for all travellers. Based on the motto “Never Forgive, Never Again”, the new names of many station are a parody of the Conservative party, and of its worst representatives, aka, clowns. All costs have been financed with the monies, accumulated for over a decade of bribes and corruption, confiscated from the Conservative Party. BREXIT LINE ADDED TO LONDON TUBE
MORT 84 – TUTTA LA MORTE MINUTO PER MINUTO © Paolo Bolzoni, luglio 2024 La Mort di Trieste, famosa nel mondo per le sue tombe, scongiuri e acque benedette, vi presenta “Tutta la morte minuto per minuto”. Mort 84, la tomba famosa del mondo. Con la colonna sonora originale di "Tutto il calcio minuto per minuto". MORT 84 - TUTTA LA MORTE MINUTO PER MINUTO
MORT 84 – TUTTA LA MORTE MINUTO PER MINUTO © Paolo Bolzoni, luglio 2024 La Mort di Trieste, famosa nel mondo per le sue tombe, scongiuri e acque benedette, vi presenta “Tutta la morte minuto per minuto”. Mort 84, la tomba famosa del mondo. BORTOLUZZI Maledetto pomeriggio 🖕, cari radioascoltatori, qui è Roberto Bortoluzzi che vi parla dalla tomba centrale. Subito i risultati del primo scontro: A Bologna, cimitero della Certosa, Basilischi - Arpie 1-0 Arbitra il signor Alario Ippogrifo di Ferrara A Cagliari, cimitero di Bonaria, Meduse - Minotauri 1-1 Arbitra il signor Orlando di Roncisvalle A Genova, cimitero Staglino, Lupi Mannari - Vampiri 1-2 Arbitra il signor Tre Cerbero di Canile A Milano, cimitero Musocco, Orfanelli - Martinitt 0-0 Arbitra il signor Concetto Lo Brutto di Siracusa A Napoli, cimitero di Poggioreale, partita giocata al cimitero neutro Condera di Reggio Calabria A Roma, cimitero della Lupa, Camera - Senato 317-216 (n