
Showing posts from September, 2024
HATE ON THEIR MINDS © Paolo Bolzoni, September 2024 Transposition of Jesus Christ Superstar “Heaven on Their Minds” Lyrics by Sir Tim Rice, music by Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber. Watch the video here HATE ON THEIR MINDS My mind is clearer now At last all too well I can see where America must not be If you strip away the lies from his mouth You will see Trump is just a flea America! You've started to believe The lies he is telling you You really do believe This talk of hate is true And all the good you've done Will soon get swept away Blind hate began to matter more Than Democracy gone astray Listen America I don't like what I see All I ask is that you listen to me And remember I've been supporting you all along Trump set you all on fire Made you believe hate is the new Messiah And you’ll regret if he gets back in power I remember when this whole thing began Presidents were decent, they were no scams And believe me my admiration for you hasn't died But every word Trumps