
Showing posts from September, 2022
PRINSJESDAG: MILJOENENNOTA 2023 PRIORITEITEN EERST! Centen, centen, centen? Neen, mensen en onze toekomst eerst! Regeren is een kwestie van kiezen tussen prioriteiten. In de laatste jaren, het Kabinet heeft gekozen voor zuinigheid, vermindering van investering en verlaging van inkomsten en winst belasting. De meest recente cijfers: Overheidsschuld tov BBP (EU-drempel 60% van het BBP) Maart 2022 50.7% December 2021 52.1% December 2020 54.3% Begrotingstekort tot BBP (EU-drempel 3% van het BBP) December 2021 2.5% December 2020 3.7% Overheidsuitgaven naar BBP December 2021 46.6% December 2020 47.8% Het resultaat? AOW-uitkering niet voldoende Bezuinigingen in de zorg = zorg puinhoop Bezuinigingen in onderwijs = onderwijs puinhoop Bezuinigingen in infrastructuur = wegen en spoor puinhoop Bezuinigingen politie = problemen voor veiligheid Maar, budget defensie (voor de oorlog) = omhoog Begrotingstekort is niets anders dan schulden verschoven naar toekomstige generaties. Maar, wat voor toeko...
20 SEPTEMBER, PRINSJESDAG: DUTCH NATIONAL BUDGET FOR 2023 GET YOUR PRIORITIES RIGHT! Pennies, pennies, pennies? No, the people and our future first! Governing is a matter of choosing between priorities. In recent years, the Netherlands Cabinet have opted for reduction of public expenditure, reduction of public investment and reduction of income and corporate tax. The most recent figures are: Government debt to GDP (EU threshold 60% of GDP) March 2022 50.7% Dec 2021 52.1% Dec 2020 54.3% Budget deficit to GDP (EU threshold 3% of GDP) Dec 2021 2.5% Dec 2020 3.7% Government spending by GDP Dec 2021 46.6% Dec 2020 47.8% The result? Public pension benefits are not adequate Healthcare cuts = public care is in a mess Cuts in education = education is in a mess Infrastructure cuts = roads and rail are in a mess Police cuts = problems with public security But, defence budget (before the war) = increased Budget deficit is nothing but debt shifted to future generations. But, what future will the...
Private Eye Queen Covers Private Eye Queen Covers
TO A GREAT LEADER He is a great leader, his soul is black He grew up red, but freedom is what he whacks He loves to drink, but the fluid must be red A master scholar, the champion of bloodshed He rides naked, his belt is black He is a strong, virile chap He speaks nothing else than crap He is never cold, doesn’t need gas He cuts the pipelines, leaves the world in a mess Nobel Prize for the Environment surely he’ll get He loves cereals, but not for bread Just to fill us all with dread To starve the poor of the world To enrich his pals in the underworld Got a problem? You’ll be dead Worth 200 billion, not exactly a Karl Marx Mega yachts, a “modest” dacha palace to relax Poor Bill Gates is just a tramp Of all evils he is the champ Lovely chap, for oligarchs the crumbs to snack Cannons, bombs, planes and tanks To buy with plenty of money in the banks Great display at the military parades All saluting him in orderly brigades West, for all your weapons many thanks Holy Motherland, you are di...